Lisa Mishler
Lisa studied photography and media arts in college, and spent 20 years as an interior designer. Today she’s an instructor and painter who works in acrylics, mixed-media and collage, creating abstract, landscape and portrait pieces. Her work shows through a number of fine arts associations, at the Rain Crow Gallery in Tucson, and in galleries worldwide, including inclusion in an art photography collection presented at the 2015 Exposure Award Reception at the Louvre Museum. Her solo show at the Jewish Community Center in Tucson depicted her parent’s survival of the Holocaust. From this, she was asked to produce a book of paintings to accompany excerpts from her father’s memoir and rabbinical prose.
Artist Statement
At the core of my work is the engagement between humanity and the natural world. Art is also a way of expressing my deepest emotions and finding a new way of seeing. I am able to bring my feelings to life by creating unique shapes, forms and colors. This experience can often bring profound joy and a more intuitive connection to the world. I delight in experimentation and discovery, and am inspired by everyday encounters with my family, dogs, or even early morning walks through the desert. When I bring these experiences to the studio, I am always amazed by what appears on the canvas.