Figure Drawing Art Show 

September 2024

Our heartfelt thank you goes out to Splinter Collective, and especially Ellie Renteri; an extraordinary activist in our local figure drawing scene. It’s been an honor and privilege to partner with Splinter’s Lines in Transition Program, in presenting our very first Figure Drawing Art Show.

We sincerely thank all of our models who expertly and generously foster the practice of art in our studio. Models are the key component here, and The Drawing Studio is committed to learning and implementing the policies and procedures for a safer, more respectful, and celebratory space for models to work.

Exhibiting Artists:

  • Another BIG thanks to all exhibiting artists. Sharing your artwork was a beautiful gift to the community.
  • Jacqueline Chanda
  • Lee Chase
  • Micheal Chavez
  • Taylor Cleland
  • Christine Dawdy
  • Tracy Dunbar
  • Sabrina Zanello Jackson
  • Russell Kahn
  • Maud Koch
  • Linda Dugan Landry
  • Spencer McCleave
  • James McDonald
  • Art Ramon
  • Mel S
  • Peggy Sanders
  • Shosh Schlauderaff
  • Natasha Vaerewyck
  • Amber Vanhatala
  • Susan Wallace
  • Sam Wright

Thank you again for your participation!