Figure Drawing Studio 


Registration is required. Each stand-alone session is for independent study, with no instruction, for ages 18+. Bring your own supplies. There are easels, chairs, horses and stools available for you to borrow. Please arrive to Figure Drawing Studio 10-15 minutes early to get set up. Doors close promptly at 9 AM. If you arrive after the doors close, please wait until the first break when the doors open again.

January Studio sessions (coming soon)

Reoccurring Schedule: (No session on holidays)




The Drawing Studio’s 3-hour figure drawing sessions are offered at our main studio location. Figure Drawing Studio provides a structured environment for artists of all skill levels to investigate the human form in their choice of media. 

The Drawing Studio employs experienced and professional models for all sessions. We are striving to expand diversity in our space. Studio monitors are on hand to stage models, keep time, and ensure prompt start time. Easels, tables, chairs and art horses are available for use.

Attending Figure Drawing Studio is also a terrific way for Drawing Fundamentals students to deepen their practice. Drawing from a live model develops and strengthens a number of skills: observation, agility, and sustained attention for longer lengths of time.


  1. You must be an active member of The Drawing Studio to attend Figure Drawing.
  2. Classes are limited to 12 people per session to allow for sufficient space.
  3. Pre-registration is required for each session you attend.
  4. Each session is $25. You can sign up online for each single session as you would for any class, or you can call the office with your credit card number.  
  5. Any vouchers you have will be honored.  You can either keep bringing them in one at a time to pay for a session, or you can turn them into the office for a credit.  
  6. Registration and payment are two separate but necessary actions for attending a Figure Drawing Studio session.  No drop-ins.
  7. If you sign up for a session you can cancel for a full refund if you call or email 24 hours before.